One of New York Eye Surgery Center’s surgeons, Dr. Nathan Radcliffe is pleased to announce that Dropless Cataract Surgery is now available to his patients undergoing cataract surgery at New York Eye Surgery Center. Dropless therapy provides greater convenience and potentially enhanced safety, while reducing patients’ out-of-pocket costs for expensive prescription drops associated with cataract surgery.
Over three million Americans undergo cataract surgery every year, making it the most frequently performed outpatient surgery in the U.S. While patient outcomes and satisfaction are high following cataract surgery, the post-operative eye drop regimen is often the most difficult aspect of the cataract procedure. In addition to the burden of following a strict dosing schedule, eye drops often cost hundreds of dollars. Dropless Cataract Surgery not only provides patients a simpler, less complex recovery, it also eliminates or reduces the high cost of prescription medications routinely prescribed.
Traditionally, patients undergoing cataract surgery are required to adhere to a sometimes-confusing eye drop schedule that may include several types of prescription drops, used for 3-4 weeks. These drops reduce the risk of inflammation and infection, and are a critical part of ensuring successful outcomes. However, complications can arise when cataract patients miss a scheduled dose, are physically unable to instill the drops, or when the financial burden prevents patients from purchasing the prescribed drops.
During Dropless Cataract Surgery, a compounded mixture of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory is deposited in the eye during the procedure. The medicine remains in the eye throughout the post-operative period, protecting the eye from infection and inflammation. This treatment eliminates or diminishes the need for drops following surgery.
For more information on Dropless Cataract Surgery, please call our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Radcliffe at (718) 405-3800!